Acetate combination model with original T-spine parts on the front and increased front strength. Wellington model with larger lens shape than the brand's other models. The name "fog cloud" is derived from "Stratus," a model with a similar design and the name of a stratus cloud.
- Accetate combination
- Black
- Blue
- Brown
- Gray
- Green
- Wellington
Acetate / Titanium / ꞵ Titanium / Acetate
01. Deep Black
02. Clear Smoke Brown
03. Light Navy
04. Clear Green
05. Light Grey
Size: 49□19-143
Height: 39.3
Lens Curve: 3C -
Front: Acetate
Brow bar: Titanium
Temples: β Titanium/Acetatem
Clings: Titanium
Surface Treatment:
Brow Bar
Col.01: Ion Plating
Col.02: Noble Metal Plating
Col.03: Electrodeposition Coating
Col.04: Electrodeposition Coating
Col.05: Noble Metal Plating
End Pieces
Col.01: Noble Metal Plating
Col.02: Noble Metal Plating
Col.03: Electrodeposition Coating
Col.04: Electrodeposition Coating
Col.05: Noble Metal Plating
Col.01: Noble Metal Plating
Col.02: Noble Metal Plating
Col.03: Electrodeposition Coating
Col.04: Electrodeposition Coating
Col.05: Noble Metal Plating